My experience

I have over 18 years experience working with children in pre-schools, primary settings and in secondary schools. I hold a Level 4 qualification in supporting children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) through the University of Brighton and have had specific training in:

Speech Sound Development
Developmental Language Disorder
Lego Therapy
Selective Mutism
Shape Coding
Cleft Palate

and I am a member of the Royal College Of Speech and Language Therapists.


"The best thing we ever did was getting him speech therapy with you.  He's come on so much in such a short amount of time.  It's amazing!  Can't thank you enough xxx"

Jasmine, mum of R' aged 5


"Words cannot explain how grateful I am for all your help with his speech.  He has come on leaps and bounds and it wouldn't have been without you. So from the bottom of my heart thank you so much"

Mum of T' aged 4




Speak With Lucy Speech Therapy Support

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